
Biodiversity and the advancement of science


Written by Angela De Mirjyn 

A recent abstract published in the September 2020 journal of Animal Reproduction Science (Animal Reproduction Science 220:40-41) showcases the passion that IMV Technologies employees have toward the preservation of biodiversity and the advancement of science.  

The sales and technical director of IMV Technologies Brazil, Dr. Pedro Jorge Neto, along with his collaborators, dedicate their personal time and other resources toward the preservation of genetic diversity and animal diversity in the jungles of South America.  

In the abstract, the researchers collected ejaculates of three jaguars (Panthera onca), diluted it in IMV Technologies’ liposome based OptiXcell media for semen extension and described, for the first time, capture and kinematic settings that can be used (on the Hamilton Thorne CEROS or IVOS CASA systems) for the standard analysis of jaguar semen, fresh or frozen thawed. 

Panthera onca holds a “Near Threatened” on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species.  It is the largest cat and largest predator in South America.  It was once distributed from the southwestern United States to the northern edges of Argentina.  Its highest populations are today found in the Pantanal and Amazon basin in Brazil.   These populations are critically at risk due to the disappearance of the environment and feedstuffs and poaching. 

Some of the areas once roamed by these cats have disappeared through the creation of infrastructure, farmland and geographical borders created at the intersection of nature and urban areas. This has resulted in small “pockets” of individuals coexisting among each other with limited genetic diversity, which could further contribute to the species decline. 

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