
Sustainability. For life.

Life is nothing without the planet we call home. That’s why in everything we do, we push to implement sustainable practices that minimize our carbon footprint. It’s not just our stated corporate responsibility. It is our life.

We challenge ourselves with new thinking that drives toward sustainable food sources for future generations. Through the use of our technologies, we believe land resources can be more efficiently managed and agriculture can become more sustainable. We aim to preserve Earth’s abundance and beauty.

We have a genuine desire to make a positive impact, for life.


Promoting the Diversity of life.

We believe that all living forms deserve the same amount of respect.

Preserving the life of endangered species is an important goal of IMV Technologies.

From rhinoceros, to manta rays, to endangered large cats, we are constantly working with experts to keep our world full of life’s beauty.


Preserving the Genetics of life.

As a company, we understand the value of our customers’ genetics, and our mission is to protect them.

Our products promote the preservation of genetic diversity and the use of selective breeding done efficiently and responsibly.

We believe that the management of animal genetic resources, including preventing the extinction of animal breeds, is an important part of what we do.


Standing by Our values.

Corporate social responsibility is more than a business trend for us.

Our efforts to minimize potential adverse impacts resulting from our operations or products influence every research, development, marketing and investment decision.

From planning the future location of our teams around the world, to understanding the inputs used in our manufacturing, careful consideration is put into each business decision at IMV Technologies.

We use renewable resources to energize some of our manufacturing and as inputs to some of our products.

We lead in the study and use of biodegradable, compostable and recyclable materials for the manufacture of protective and single-use items.

Likewise, we challenge and have eliminated the use of inputs when we perceive they put undue risk on the environment, our customers’ animals or public health.

